ADHD Awareness Month and our neurodiversity champions team

This month is ADHD Awareness Month, an annual event dedicated to raising awareness of, and educating the public about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

At San-iT, we are always working hard to foster an inclusive environment, and this year we have worked on, and continue to work on, several initiatives to ensure that our team feel supported, included, and heard. One of these aims is to be a welcoming environment for neurodiverse people.

What is neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is a viewpoint that brain differences are normal, rather than deficits. In the workplace, inclusivity to us also considers neurological differences. It’s incredibly important to us to ensure that barriers to achieve and develop within our team is not limited by any neurodiversity that an individual may have. 

Our Director Louise Lowe and Head of People and Engagement Alison Evan recently attended a conference in Liverpool called ‘Neurodiversity: a new paradigm’ organised by the ADHD Foundation. It was an illuminating conference, where leaders in the private and public sector shared insights, best practise, innovations, and technology to optimise the opportunities created by the paradigm shift in ‘thinking differently about neurodiversity.

One of the key outcomes out this conference was that has inspired us to better support neurodiversity within San-iT. To that end we have set up a neurodiversity champions committee.

Our neurodiversity champions team:

Our team meet on a regular basis, and the aim is to look at the strengths that being neurodivergent brings, as well as the challenges. We have a number of team members who are neurodivergent, so the topic is very close to our hearts.

In addition to being a Disability Confident Committed employer, and signing up to the Microsoft Partner Pledge,  our team are also working towards getting a Neurodiverse Friendly Organisation award.

We are committed to making San-iT a welcoming place to work and grow for people with neuro-variants such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia, and look forward to keeping you up to date with our progress.

Find out more about our culture here, and if you’re interested in joining our team, we’d love to hear from you.

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