Benefits of Cloud Computing for Digital Agencies

From freelancers to well established agencies, more and more companies are now embracing cloud technology.

Whether you’re a marketing, design, creative, or web agency, you could really benefit from using the Cloud. Here are just a few ways…

  1. Work from anywhere – The cloud enables you to access emails, files and applications from anywhere. This is a huge benefit if you’re out and about networking and meeting clients. This flexibility could also give you an edge over other agencies. If you aren’t tied to office hardware, you have the option to be flexible and work with clients in multiple locations.
  2. Adapts to your agencies needs – Another great thing about the Cloud is that it will adjust to your agency’s needs. As the digital sector is so fast paced and constantly developing, this gives you the freedom to quickly adapt to client demand.
  3. Save time and money – We know that agency life can be pretty hectic, so any opportunity to save time is welcome. The Cloud allows you to increase productivity and achieve more, faster – great if you’re working on lots of client projects. You’ll also only pay for what you use, freeing up budget to grow your business.
  4. Collaborate with clients – Building great client relationships is at the forefront of any successful digital agency. The cloud can help you build trust with your clients, allowing you to be completely transparent. With the Cloud it’s quick and easy to share and collaborate on projects, as files can be viewed, shared and updated in real time. Collaboration can also be useful if you work with freelancers or have offices in multiple locations.
  5. Reliable – When you’re working for an agency, disaster can strike at any time. It only takes a server to crash or someone to steal your laptop to lose all your client projects and precious data. This is why more and more agencies are choosing the Cloud as an essential part of their continuity plan. By using a quality provider such as Microsoft Azure, you can rest assured that your data and applications are secure. In the event that you are affected by a disaster, simply log into the cloud from somewhere convenient and carry on as normal.

By embracing cloud technology, you can save your agency time and money, gain an edge over your competitors and give your clients a better service. If you’re an agency director and would like more information on cloud computing or Microsoft Azure, get in touch with our friendly team for a no-obligation chat about how we could help…

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